Now this may not work for everyone. If you went to my site right now, my meeting requests only ask for a date, time and your contact information. Exactly what I saw on this other site. BUT, I work with a very select number of clients one-on-one and most don’t inquire about our work from my website. Because of that, I don’t rely on these calls as much and it’s, intentionally, kind of hard to find the appointment option on my site. This service is for a select few and I have plenty of other resources and ways to connect featured more prominently on my site for those seeking less tailored services, which makes up the bulk of my site visitors.
Ok, so back to the coaches site. By adding those questions to her booking forms, she cuts her call time in half. If her main goal is for people to book these appointments, let’s assume that she wants to talk to 4 people/day.
The time she dedicates to these calls goes from 2 hours/day to 1 hour and from 10 hours every week to 5 hours. That’s almost a 15% time savings. With that one minor change.
Some concerns may have popped up while we’ve been on this journey together. First, a 15 minute call may not grab people’s attention as much. If that’s the case, you could keep the calls at 30 minutes but swap out question asking for the chance to go deeper with your prospect and increase your sales conversion rate. That would be pretty awesome, wouldn’t it?
Another concern might be that people are deterred from booking if they have to put so much thought into it. I totally get that, in fact, I am that person. But I would be so satisfied if I was given an out and told, in a tactful way, that I’d be missing out on so much more if I didn’t do the homework before.
If this doesn’t relate directly to your business, can you identify any repetitive tasks, meetings, conversations that you could apply this same idea to?
If you want to learn more about the three areas we work with clients on to move from hustle to flow, you can download our free 3 Ways to Always Have Time, Energy and Business at:
Thank you for joining us and please remember I believe in you and your business.