CLUTCH Businesses

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How to Create Offers that Sell

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Ever wonder how you can get your customers/clients not only to buy your products but buy, love and spread the word about them? It takes so much more energy, time and resources to find new customers than to dazzle the ones you already captivated so why not turn them into your very own brand ambassadors?!

Melinda Colon is here to help us understand how to truly engage with your target customer base. She developed a step-by-step system for creating engaging content.

Melinda Colon is a brand and marketing strategist with a passion for systems and processes. She operates a brand and marketing consulting agency and coaching business, and using her gift as a connector, she is proactive about finding ways to build profitable solutions for online businesses that are effective and cost-efficient. 

Melinda is on a mission to help entrepreneurs regain control of their time and money in all things marketing, graphic design, and project management. Melinda is also the owner and operator of a full-service Virtual Assistant agency specializing in Administrative, Creative, and Technical Services.

In this episode we chat about:

  • How she came to do the kind of work that she is doing.

  • How to sell out with a mission.

  • What businesses need to have in place for them to convert leads to sales.

  • How to draw that intel out of people without being too specific or forcing them to be too specific.

.. and so much more!

Check out Melinda’s website:

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How to Create Offers That Sell Clutch Businesses

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